Indoor Air Quality Is a Bigger Issue Than You Might Realize

Buildings today are tightly sealed to conserve energy. We are rarely able to keep windows and doors open anymore. The focus on cost control has helped homeowners keep up with utility bills, but the downside is indoor air pollution. Airborne allergens can cause everything from burning eyes to serious conditions like COPD and even cancer.

What are the Risks?

Recent reports indicate that between two and four million people die every year from contaminated indoor air. Because tightly-sealed buildings lack ventilation, concentrations can reach dangerously high levels. To make matters worse, people are indoors 90-95 percent of the time.

How Big is the Threat?

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) is so widespread that federal scientists have rated it the most important environmental danger in the U.S. Air in today’s homes can be 100 times more contaminated than it is outside. It’s a threat in Jacksonville and homes across the country, from rural areas to large, industrial cities. Common indoor air pollutants include:

  • Building materials
  • Chemicals
  • Combustion sources
  • Secondhand smoke
  • Particulates
  • Microbial and organic contaminants

A lot of these harmful particles are emitted from substances we use in the home every day. Cleaning agents, paints, flooring and even furniture, can give off volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are harmful to your health.

How can I Protect My Home?

Maintain your HVAC system including ductwork and air filters, otherwise it can generate and spread contaminants like pollen, biological growth, dander, viruses dust mites and carbon monoxide (CO). You can reduce allergens including disease-carrying bacteria and viruses with:

  • Ventilation systems
  • Humidity control systems
  • Air purifiers and air cleaners
  • UV lights
  • Duct cleaning and sealing
  • HVAC filters

Our Trane air cleaners, ventilators and filters can remove 99.9 percent of airborne allergens. For an indoor air quality inspection, or to learn more about our IAQ solutions, contact your HVAC specialists at Cool R Us, Inc A/C & Heating by calling (904) 222-6603.

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