4 Tips From a Service Technician to Prolong the Life of Your HVAC System

Replacing the HVAC system in your Middleburg, Florida, home is a big expense. Therefore, it’s one you don’t want to repeat too often. Your HVAC unit should last for at least 10 to 15 years. But if you look after it, you might get more than 20 years from it. Here are some tips for prolonging the life of your HVAC system:

Change the Air Filter

Air filters get clogged with grime and dirt through everyday use. As a result, it makes it more difficult for air to pass through. To keep your desired temperature, the system has to work much harder to circulate the air, which will shorten its lifespan.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Your HVAC system should be serviced by a trusted professional every year. Having your air conditioner tuned up in the spring and your furnace serviced in the fall will ensure the optimum efficiency when you need it most. The service technician will thoroughly:

  • Inspect the system.
  • Lubricate the moving parts.
  • Clean the condenser.
  • Check the refrigerant levels.
  • Check the heat exchanger for damage.

They will also pick up on any potential problems and reduce the risk of a future breakdown, which might involve a more expensive repair.

Get a Programmable Thermostat

Using a programmable thermostat lets you set the times that your system switches on and off. Even better is a smart thermostat, which you can control remotely with your tablet or smartphone. Micromanaging your thermostat settings can save you money as well as prolong the life of your system.

Think Outside the System

You can take a few other simple steps to reduce the load on your air conditioner. Make sure that your home is properly insulated and your HVAC ducts are sealed. Close your blinds to stop direct sunlight from streaming in. Use your ceiling fans to help circulate the air.

Cool R Us, Inc A/C & Heating can advise you about maintaining your HVAC system. We can also arrange a preventive maintenance program for you. Call us at (904) 222-6603.

Image provided by iStock

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