Where Should I Position My HVAC Thermostat in Atlantic Beach, FL?

The location of your thermostat can determine how often it tells your HVAC system to turn on. If installed in the wrong place, it’ll increase your energy costs and affect your household’s comfort. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when positioning your HVAC thermostat in Atlantic Beach, FL.

Avoid Doors and Windows

The area around drafty windows tends to be cooler or hotter than the rest of the home. Installing your thermostat too close to one means it will always think the home’s temperature is too low or too high. Similarly, outside air will also affect a thermostat installed too close to a door or entryway.

An incorrectly placed thermostat runs the risk of putting more harmful strain on your HVAC system. This constant pressure will increase your need for expert seasonal maintenance.

Keep Away From Kitchen and Bathroom

Kitchens are typically one of the most used rooms in residential homes. They run hotter than other areas because of the stove and constant usage. The extreme temperature differences found in bathrooms and kitchens will keep your thermostat from turning on your furnace when you need it.

Find a Central Location

The best place to install your HVAC thermostat is on an interior wall in a central room. Avoid any external walls, closets or small spaces. Your thermostat should be in a room that can represent the rest of your home’s comfort needs.

It’s also helpful to keep your thermostat in an area where you can frequently check on it. This will make it easier to monitor your settings and keep track of your filter replacements.

Don’t install your thermostat in your kitchen or bathroom or near any windows or doors. These devices work best on an unobstructed wall in your living room or dining area. Contact Cool R Us, Inc A/C & Heating to learn more about our high-quality heating services in Atlantic Beach, FL.

Image provided by iStock

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