Why Won’t My Furnace in Middleburg, FL, Stop Running?

An optimally functioning furnace operates in cycles. If your system runs without pausing, there’s an underlying problem that needs your attention. Here are some reasons a furnace runs constantly in Middleburg, FL:

Clogged Air Filter

If you haven’t changed your air filter in a while, it could be causing your system to run continuously. Usually, the air filter maintains good indoor air quality by catching contaminants in your home’s airspace. The pollutants accumulate on this filter with time, restricting smooth airflow.

Consequently, your furnace struggles to raise your indoor air temperature, making it run constantly to achieve the temperature you inputted on the thermostat. Consider inspecting and changing your air filter often to reduce the stress on your furnace.

Thermostat Issues

Your thermostat signals your furnace to raise temperatures to your preferred level. If you have placed the device in a colder location than the rest of the house, it may be detecting the temperatures of that area instead of the rooms where you spend your time . As a result, the device prompts the furnace to continue running to regulate the extreme temperatures of that area only.

Consider installing your thermostat in areas that reflect your home’s temperatures accurately. Avoid areas such as hallways, the kitchen and near windows and vents.

Leaky Air Ducts

Your ductwork relays the heated air into your home. Leaky ducts may cause part or all of this air to escape. Consequently, your furnace never achieves the temperature on the thermostat, causing it to run continuously. Some signs that show you have leaky ducts include increased dust in your home, uneven temperatures and high energy bills.

Consider scheduling maintenance for your furnace. This helps to tune up your unit to ensure it operates at maximum efficiency. Among the things the service technician will fix is leaky ducts.

Contact Cool R Us, Inc A/C & Heating for exceptional heating services during winter. We will inspect your furnace thoroughly to identify all the issues and work on them in the shortest time possible.

Image provided by iStock

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